Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Don't Think You're Alone

To my child, whom I love and admire
Have dreams in your heart and watch them transpire
Have confidence to walk in your own shoes
Don't be afraid to go wherever you choose

I know I can't be there to hold your hand
As you wander through life's wonderland
The unknown path may seem somewhat scary,
Don't worry my darling, as each track will vary
Decisions and choices you'll make day by day
I'll be watching over you, each step of the way
Wherever you go, whatever you do
Don't think you're alone
I'll be right there with you

This poem was inspired by the above 
picture prompt, provided by creative writing ink.



  1. nice and thoughtful one... :)

  2. So touchin, Jewel. Great. wanda

  3. Aw, touching and beautiful yet a hint of sadness too, that the narrator can't be there in person for the child. Really sounds like the voice of a guardian :)

  4. Thank you for your comments!

    I'm so pleased you interpretated my poem as intended inkyscribbles!

    I never know if I manage to convey my thoughts properly or not!

  5. Beautiful....such a perfect poem for a mother to a daughter

  6. Thank you!! Mother to daughter were my thoughts exactly!

  7. This is beautiful!

    I agree with inkyscribbles. It's so touching and sad at the same time. There were moments where I felt a bit uncomfortable because I felt like reading a personal letter or a will from mother to daughter. How brilliant!

    I've always admired (and kinda envied) your way of writing poems. You made them look so...effortless, especially with the rhymes!

  8. Thank you so much si_ulil!

    Sometimes I feel I ramble on a bit with my poems. I don't leave much room for people to imagine or interpret things for themselves like others do in their work.

    I was quite pleased with this poem though and I am delighted with the kind words and comments.

    Thanks again.

  9. Thanks for your comment. I look forward to reading your work!

  10. Hello, Jewel, I only read this now. I think it's beautiful -- a message that every mother keeps in her heart, I think. Thank you for putting it into words.

    I wonder why you've not posted anything these past few weeks... I hope to be able to read your poems again soon! =D

  11. Hi CBCondez!
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm not a mother, but tried really hard to capture a mother's emotions. Your comment indicates I was on the right track!

    I've just started a short teaching course and unlike many of the people on here, I've found it difficult to keep up with writing at the same time! I'm feeling a bit more organised now, so hopefully I'll be able to produce some poems again!

    Thank you
